Sunday, May 29, 2016

Moving the story along...

Okay, so unfortunately still haven't been doing much writing lately as much as imagining new stories and planning them in my head. Which, many times is the farthest I get, to be honest. I guess I just really like the "what if" stage. There's always so many possibilities. But figuring out how to put those possibilities on the page in a way that would be coherent, entertaining, and believable is part of what's so hard. I tend to get so fixated on the details of planning the plot that I lose the mood to actually write it. Then once I get to the writing, I get a good enough hook in there, a good intro into what the story is going to be, the characters involved, that sort of thing. But a chapter or two in, I have to figure out how to keep progressing the story in an interesting way, without too much obvious exposition, and without going too fast in the plot. And finding a way to make it feel natural to the story. I'm sure there will be other problems that present themselves once I get that point. I have no idea how to get what I write published as a novel once I actually finish one for starters. But honestly, at this point I would just love to be able to get past that point. If anyone has any tips or suggestions, would love if you would comment below with that.

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